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E-Government information seminar
HSS supported a seminar on various E-Government initiatives of the Indonesian Ministry of Justice and Human Rights

The Hanns Seidel Foundation supports the Indonesian Ministry of Justice and Human Rights regarding the implementation of various e-government initiatives with the aim to use modern communication technologies. Ultimately the ministry wishes to increase the quality of public services.

An expert explains the process of managing the e-journal of the Ministry of Justice.

An expert explains the process of managing the e-journal of the Ministry of Justice.



E-government is based on communication technology and aims to increase the quality of public services. For example, through e-government tools, services can be delivered quicker and better to citizens. Also, transparency will be increased.

Seminar on the E-government initiatives of the Ministry of Justice

The key note speech was given by the Director General of Legislation. He emphasized the importance of E-government. The Indonesian Ministry of Justice has therefore developed multiple new initiatives in this regard, amongst them are an E-Journal, E-Library and E-Litigation. Other speakers, for example from the Ministry of Research and Higher Education and the Indonesian Institute of Sciences also highlighted the importance of modern information technologies for the Indonesian government. The event was attended by participants from more than 30 government agencies.

120 staff members took part during the seminar

120 staff members of various ministries took part in the seminar.



One major E-government application that was introduced at the seminar is the newly established legislative E-journal. The Indonesian Ministry of Justice transitioned its legislative journal to an online platform with support of the Hanns Seidel Foundation. Other E-initiatives that were discussed at the seminar include E-litigation and the E-library. These initiatives are still under development. The Hanns Seidel Foundation supported and funded the transition of the legislative journal to the E-Journal format and will continue to support the Ministry regarding further E-government initiatives.