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Start of 5-day Decentralisation and Federalism Course
Decentralisation and Federalism Course with Executive Level Officials at the Central Institute of Civil Service-Lower Myanmar of the Union Civil Service Board (UCSB)

The Hanns Seidel Foundation (HSF) has been cooperating with the Union Civil Service Board (UCSB) since 2014 on the topic of decentralisation and federalism.

Introduction of the basic concepts of federalism and decentralization by the 2 speakers

Prof. Dr. Annegret Eppler and Paul Anderson introduced the participants to basic concepts of federalism and decentralization.


HSF supports the management courses for the Executive Level Officials at the Central Institute of Civil Service (CICS) in Lower Myanmar. The course is an 8-week training programme for executive officials - DDG and DG level - and the HSF is supporting a one-week component on political science.

The executive officials receive an introduction to decentralisation and federalism and as the training progresses, workshop and seminars will discuss the division of powers all the way to the current affairs on decentralisation and federalism with regard to the peace process and its use as a tool for conflict resolution.

It is a privilege to work very closely with the executive officials and we thank the CICS and the UCSB for their close cooperation.

Participants had the opportunity to discuss the principles of federalism

Participants had the opportunity to discuss the principles of federalism and decentralization with the international experts as well as among each other.


participants of the management programme

HSF Representative Mr. Achim Munz and federalism experts Prof. Dr. Annegret Eppler and Paul Anderson with the participants of the management programme.