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Responsible Tourism Development
17th Thandaung Gyi Tourism Development Working Group (TTDWG)

During the 17th Thandaung Gyi Tourism Development Working Group (TTDWG) meeting on the 23rd of July 2019 local tour guides, representatives from private local businesses, the Government Administration Department (GAD), as well as the Karen National Union (KNU) came together to discuss the current situation and their future plans to develop responsible and sustainable tourism in Thandaung Gyi. Lively discussions on the security situation, infrstructure and service improvement, event planning and the development of new tourism products demonstrated the ability and willingness of community members to cooperate for sustainable peace and development.

The 17th TTDWG meeting took place at the 100 year old house in Thandaung Gyi


Five sub-committees focusing on Communication, Culture and History, Local Product Development, New Destinations and Environmental Conservation presented challenges and opportunities for their work. They also discussed ideas such as welcoming bigger tourist groups with traditional foods and dances, as well as reintroducing traditional weaving techniques. Because of security issues and concerns for tourists’ well-being the working group decided to create information material to be placed in restaurants and hotels, as well as at the Tourist Information Point. The leaflets are meant to inform tourists of areas where they should take a tour guide, as well as of possible tour packages. Furthermore, TTDWG started discussions on planning for next year’s Thandaung Gyi Mountain Run which they will organize independently this year.

To ensure continuous development of tourism and community members, capacity-building needs were identified, and trainings requested by the TTDWG. A training plan was agreed on including trainings on how to manage their tourism website, how to improve sub-committees’ planning and organizational skills, as well as a refresher training for tour guides. Trainings will be given before the high-season starts and respecting agricultural calendars.

The TTDWG has five sub-committees focusing on different topics concerning tourism development


Thank you TTDWG for hosting us and for your commitment to responsible and sustainable tourism development!to live together. Therefore everyone should have a say in how they want to live together. The goal is to design a country, in which the already given diversity is embraced.