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Our Work in Vietnam

Involved in projects since:


Project office:

Hanoi, Vietnam (since 2011)

Country Representative:

Mr. Michael Siegner


Project Work in Vietnam

Our projects in Vietnam initially aimed at providing a multidimensional development platform for the Doi-Moi Policy (Renovation Policy), which was launched in 1986 and largely represented the economic reforms. Since then, Vietnam has made the transition from a developing country to a lower middle-income country. However, many challenges remain. HSF therefore supports programmes aiming at environmental protection as well as sustainable economic and social development. In addition, the integration of Vietnam into the global political spectrum and the ASEAN-Community has been supported by HSF since 1995. The foundation also assists its Vietnamese partners with international knowledge exchange programmes and organizes seminars for policy makers. In the current project period (2023-2025), HSF focuses on the three major and interdependent project components:


1. Contributing to a sustainable development based on social inclusion and the rule of law

Since the 1990s, Vietnam has experienced very rapid economic growth which has had a lasting effect on the society. While living standards for the vast majority of the Vietnamese population have improved and the poverty rate has declined dramatically, a significant share of the work force continues to be employed in the informal sector often lacking any form of social security beyond the traditionally strong family networks. Against this background, HSF supports and advises the Institute of Labour Science and Social Affairs (ILSSA) on policy recommendations and implementation of inclusive social protection. This for instance includes but is not limited to activities in the context of green jobs creation for workers affected by climate change or the introduction of standards related to the concept of “sustainable decent work”. HSF also cooperates with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) in implementing international standards and developing best practices for sustainable development in Vietnam.

Furthermore, HSF has been cooperating with the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) of Vietnam since 2021 as part of the German–Vietnamese Rule-of-Law Dialogue. This includes the establishment of multistakeholder dialogue platforms on regulatory initiatives that are crucial for Vietnam’s continued development such as platform economy, consumer protection, e-justice and the digital transformation.


2. Working together with the Office of the National Assembly

The National Assembly (NA) is the highest body of state power of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. Apart from its legislative mandate, the National Assembly also has the power to supervise activities by State agencies. In this context, the Office of the National Assembly plays an instrumental role as it supports the National Assembly and its committees to effectively carry out its work. Since 2017, HSF has worked together with the Office of the National Assembly in providing research outputs and technical expertise to the Deputies of the NA as well as the supporting staff. This cooperation aims at improving and strengthening the legislative and supervisory capacity of the NA.


3. Supporting environmental protection and sustainable policy development

Due to the geographical position of Vietnam with its long coastline and two big river deltas, the country is seriously affected by climate change and a rising sea level. Supporting Vietnam in developing and implementing environmental protection strategies is therefore not only crucial for future generations but relevant for people living in areas already affected by the consequences of a changing global climate. HSF cooperates with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE) as well as the Institute of Strategy and Policy on Natural Resources and Environment (ISPONRE), with the aim of developing national strategies and policies for environmental protection and sustainable green growth. Policy dialogues supported by HSF for instance include initiatives on circular economy, controlling industrial emissions and sustainable business practices.

Since 2014, HSF Vietnam has also been implementing a regional project focussing on ASEAN countries that aims at providing a learning and exchange platform for policy makers, civil society representatives, researchers, and Start-Ups with sustainable business models. A specific focus has been placed on sustainable consumption and production patterns.


Project Objectives:

  1. Contributing to a sustainable development based on social inclusion and the rule of law;
  2. Contribute to strengthening the legislative and supervisory capacities of the National Assembly.
  3. Contribute to improving the regulatory framework for environmental protection and sustainable consumption and production;


Target Groups:

  • National and regional policy makers
  • Think-tanks, research institutes and universities
  • Start-Ups with sustainable business models
  • Civil society organisations