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Fed Talk at the PILG

The federalisation of the Philippine Islands was an idea said to have taken root in the country in the late 1800’s.  It has been proposed under different administrations hence.  The Pimentel Institute for Leadership and Governance (PILG) presents “Fed Talk at the PILG,” a podcast series that brings the federalism discourse online.  It is meant to help increase the public’s awareness about federalism and explain the Bayanihan Federal Constitution provisions.  The series is being developed by the PILG with the support of the Hanns Seidel Foundation (HSF) as part of the project, "Increasing Public Awareness on the Federal System of Government."


Episode 1: A friendly conversation on anything and everything Federalism


Episode 2: Understanding of Local Autonomy, Decentralization and Federalism


Episode 3: Discussion on Federalism and Meaningful Autonomy in the BARMM


Episode 4: Discussion on the Crafting of the Bayanihan Federal Constitution


Episode 5 - Barangay Election 2023, An Overview

Episode 6 - Local Autonomy & Inter-Regional Governance

Episode 7 - Malign Interference in the Context of a Federal System


The PPI Podcast

In 2022, the Philippine Press Institute (PPI) expands its reach with the launching of “The PPI Podcast.”  This series of audio and audio-video broadcasts will focus mainly on current issues confronting the Philippine media and matters of public interest.  Slated to be published at least once a month, the episodes will be available in the PPI’s Website, social media accounts and eventually, its video and podcast service platforms.  The series is being developed by the PPI with the support of the Hanns Seidel Foundation (HSF) as part of the project, "Civic Journalism."

Episode 1: Tallano Gold: Pati ba ang media na-tanso?

Episode 2: Bakit kailangan ang mga journalist - lalo na ngayon?

Episode 3: Thriving Art Spaces Amid the Pandemic

Episode 4: Death and Taxes

Episode 5: Kamusta kaya ang media sa ilalim ni Marcos Jr?

Episode 6: The President and the Press

Episode 7: Mindanao Prognosis: A hard look at Mindanao's growth trajectory

Episode 8: August 21, 39 years and two Marcoses later

Episode 9: 'Bakit dapat tigilan na 'yang red baiting?'

Episode 10: The Problems within the Press Office