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With an Outlook on Circular Economy Transition
Overview of Climate Change Mitigation Efforts in ASEM Countries

  • 2022
  • Almassy, Dora ; Sayman, Rifat-Unal ; Pulawska, Grazyna
  • Monografie/Band
  • Online-Ressource

This report offers an in-depth analysis of GHG emissions in ASEM member countries, studies national climate mitigation commitments via the assessment of Nationally Determined Contribution (NDCs) and the mapping of climate policy frameworks, and analyses implementation actions in key emitting sectors. Recognising climate mitigation efforts cannot be undertaken in a vacuum, the report also discusses climate adaptation needs and actions in the most vulnerable countries in the ASEM regions. In addition, as part of an ASEM-wide research on circular economy, the report establishes linkages to the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 12 on sustainable consumption...